Tag Archives: goals

2023… now what?!

We’ve made it to 2023! We’re supposed to be full of life, joy, hope; all the newness and renewed energy to push forward. However I found myself in a mood… it started last night but today I’m definitely in a mood. I didn’t want to speak on it through my podcast because I’ve had moments of feeling like I’ve wanted to cry all day. I’ve been on holiday break from work since December 23rd and yet I still feel like I need more time off the clock. These days of peace and freedom to do what I want, kind of when I want, to enjoy my creative side and also just enjoy just being. It took me a while to even sit up to write this, first because I couldn’t even get logged in. I guess I needed to just sit in my thoughts for a second.

So for me, this is how I get it out my head, I write. I’m sure there may be others that may not necessarily be in a “New Year, New Me” mood; crazy enough I was in a decent mood for the most part all while I was on break. As I’m on the brink of returning back to reality and having to go back into the office and after hearing of someone losing their life senselessly after just ringing in the New Year, I’m feeling so down. I rang in the New Year with my son, at home. I love my job, I love the people; however I do miss when I was furloughed during COVID. My mind was free! I was able to create. I could sleep in and get much needed rest. I realized what it felt like to be “wealthy, white people.” This is why I say that; when I was younger, I used to sit as a model for art classes (yes, I was fully clothed). The fact that people just took time out, in the middle of the day to simply just paint. I do not recall any black people in the classes, and I have no idea if these people were wealthy but they had a sense of peace and no worries. They might be eating cucumber sandwiches and sipping on Fiji water, I don’t know but there’s a part of me that wanted that freedom. And for a moment, I had it! I would paint, I would sing, I would write, I’d have more time with my son; yes it was in the midst of a pandemic but I barely had any restraints. SO in 2023, I am pushing to get back to that, and my income being completely as an entrepreneur. My full time is my main source of income, but I want that to switch and/or even be eliminated. Let me be me and make money in my sleep.

I need to travel and LIVE MORE! There’s family and friends that I NEED to see. Life is so short and you never know when it’s your time. It’s hard when you have a connection to someone that’s not in the same zip code but your coins get in the way of enjoying quality time. It’s hard when you have family with ailments, and we’re all not getting younger but you have to consider bills before you jump on a flight. It’s hard when you need to self care and get to somebody’s ocean to get a little sense of peace but you have to make good adult decisions. I have to change the narrative!

Now that I’ve let my brain throw up, I feel a little relieved and had a phone call from a person that helps calm me down. So I hope that this has helped someone in some way, sometimes you just need to write it down or talk it out, get it off your shoulders. Just take a few minutes if you’re feeling down, get it out your head and take the weight off.

I’m already working on my 2023 plans, basically an extension from 2022 goals, still leveling up in business and my personal life. At the end of each year, I recap on what I have accomplished; you’ll be surprised. Sometimes we forget how much can happen in 12 months, yes there may be some heartbreak and pain, but there has also been some amazing experiences with amazing people along the way. Focus on that! Focus on the things you can change. Focus on you and creating the best version of yourself. You have the pen, you have the paintbrush, create the life you want. It may not happen overnight but keep working towards your goals and making YOU happy. Life happens…make the most of each moment!

Through the Eyes of NiSi: Episode 7- Resolutions, Manifestations and Vision Boards

Have you wrote your vision and made it plain? Have you wrote down your goals or created a vision board?

January 1, 2022 at the strike of midnight, I had a glass of peach wine and my son, Bryson had a watered down soft drink as we said to each other, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Not long after, it was bedtime. We woke up later that day, no resolutions made, business as usual on a weekend- relax, chill, clean up, etc.

I’ve heard it called Re-solutions, so many people make the same resolutions year after year because the last ones didn’t last through the first month. Are you making resolutions? Throughout years past, I’ve had goals. Most times, the few days leading up to January 1st, I look back through photos to remember all that I’ve accomplished in the year prior. It’s very heartwarming to look at that list with a sense of accomplishment.

So in 2021, I:

  • had my artwork, Topshelf ARTistry by NiSi featured nationally with Sarah Norman’s platform
  • had a long-awaited photo shoot with DRL Toons
  • held/shot a gun for the first time
  • was blessed to have more time with my mother, as her Multiple Myeloma went into remission
  • spent more time with my immediate family- Mom, Dad, Tina, Nick
  • wrote more poems, painted more art
  • Lead/Assisted with more Bridal makeup
  • became part of a bridal beauty team
  • rode on a motorcycle
  • traveled to Atlanta and New Jersey as a Makeup Artist for 2 pageant Queens
  • launched beauty/makeup classes
  • started the process of recording music and my poetry
  • co-authored the book, Yonitry

Click the links below to stay connected to these businesses and artists:

Faith Fitz You, LLC– Official clothing brand launched January 1, 2022

All Things NiSi

Toni Jones

Vision Board tips

Courtney K Beauty

Black Girls Rock workout– Tuesday/ Thursday at 11am EST/ Sundays 10am EST

Let’s create our vision boards together! Comment below if interested.

Be sure to leave your comments and any feedback in the comment section below.


Interested in free advertising or being a guest on the show? 

Feel free to email me at: info@NiSisEyes.com with the subject: Through the Eyes of NiSi radio show

Always with a Brush,


Self- Love

So to keep going with the self-love challenge, yes I’m playing catch up.  It’s been a very busy week with the close of one chapter and the beginning of a new chapter… details to come soon.

4. What is one thing you look forward to everyday?

I look forward to no migraines and no stress.  Over the last few years, most days I wake or close my days with a migraine whether moderate or severe and some may not know this because I don’t talk about it or I try to fight through it.  I try not to complain and just keep pushing forward, the days are getting much better where the migraines are less frequent.

5. Who is your hero and what is one thing that makes you two relatable?

My hero is my sister, she is a free bird.  We are 10 years apart yet so close, I like to say that we’re twins born 10 years apart.  A lot of what I’ve learned in life has come from shadowing and watching my sister’s successes and her lessons.  She has lived a life that has consisted of walking in faith and I am learning to do the same.  Somehow things just work and in some cases I think she is crazy as ever but she believes.  We are relatable because we are sisters and we were raised in the same way, however we have lived different lives.  Crazy enough, although different- we’ve had many of the same experiences.  I love that sister of mine.

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself as a Celebrity Makeup Artist working for myself setting my own schedule, heading a non-profit for young girls and women in transition; building self- confidence and inner beauty.  I’d also be teaching makeup classes around the world, traveling and living life to the fullest.  If I think it, it shall be.

7. Look at your hands.  Write something positive about them.

They are small and petite.  They can fit in places that some people’s cannot.  Smaller hands, smaller  fingers= ring prices may be less expensive.  

8. What does your “best day ever” look like?

My best day is full if happiness, compassion, the person and/or people that make me happy just enjoying life… no stress, just living.

9.  What’s your one word of intention today?


10. Today I will/have accomplished…

Today I have accomplished some paperwork.  I will accomplish these self-love journaling exercises that I’m catching up on (feels good to take time for self).  I will also accomplish some things that will help in the new chapter of my life (excited and scared but faith as small as a mustard seed).

11.  What’s your wildest lifetime goal and how can you achieve it?

My wildest lifetime goal is to travel the world and visit every continent and even possibly teach/do makeup on each one.  Also, learn and become fluent in 1-2 more languages at least.  I may even take up some other  careers that help in making people feel better, maybe I’ll be  a masseuse.  I can achieve this by continuing to work in my craft and network and learn.  There’s always more to know and more people to know.  You never know who that person sitting next to you is connected to.

12.  Five things that make me really happy are…

  1. Love 2. Smiles 3. People true to their word 4. Accomplishing a goal 5. Good music/entertainment

13.  How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as someone who was dependable and did the best she could and slayed some faces.  I want to be remembered as someone who made you better after you left my presence.

14.  Write a thank you letter to your body for all it is capable of.

Dear Full Figured Body,

Thank you for just being you even when I don’t like what I see, you stay strong and don’t break down.  Thank you for you plumpness and thickness and the extra-ness that you possess.  Even when I shed some of you, you are still your best in whatever form you take on just because you are apart of me.  We are one and we are what we will be at a size 16 or a size 12, we love every capability.  Things may get a little harder to do sometimes but you still push through and make the effort for little ol’ me and show me that it’s possible.  So I thank you for working with me and showing me that even when my mind says, you can’t do 5 more …you push through and show it that we’re a BOSS.  Now, let’s go ahead and win this Ms. Full Figured NC pageant crown with this full figured body.

Yours Truly,


15. I forgive myself for…

Not speaking up when things didn’t feel right and tactfully telling how I really felt.  Some things in my life could’ve possibly gone differently had I thought things through or even just said exactly what was on my mind.  I’m learning that my mind can’t be read no matter how long I’ve known someone and and our feelings/opinions change about things as we grow older- so speak your mind.  You can do this without being rude but if you want someone to know your true feelings, let them know and save yourself the stress.





Photo Credit: CL Reeves Photography